Speeding algorithms by shrinking data

In computer science, the buzzword of the day is "big data." The proliferation of cheap, Internet-connected sensors—such as the GPS receivers, accelerometers and cameras in smartphones—has meant an explosion of information ...

Google issues Maps APIs for tighter tabs on vehicles

(Phys.org)—Google has been branded and promoted to the point where two associated words-come to mind, "search" and "Maps." Over 800,000 developers worldwide use Google Maps APIs, according to the company, to create their ...

GPS data reveals more on mega-thrust earthquakes

(PhysOrg.com) -- New GPS data of the 2010 earthquake that devastated parts of Chile and killed over 500 people is revealing new clues about large earthquakes such as the quake in Chile and the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that ...

Women navigate more efficiently than men

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico suggests women navigate more efficiently than men in some circumstances, even though previous studies have shown that in general men score higher ...

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