Related topics: chimpanzees

Great apes make sophisticated decisions

Chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas and bonobos make more sophisticated decisions than was previously thought. Great apes weigh their chances of success, based on what they know and the likelihood to succeed when guessing, ...

DNA duplications may be responsible for genomic-based diseases

An important part of saving a species is often understanding its DNA. Through a collaborative effort including 14 scientists representing organizations across Europe and the United States, researchers have been able to analyze ...

Orange smoke billows out of Congolese volcano

Clouds of orange smoke and ash billowed out of Africa's most active volcano Nyamulagira, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tuesday after it erupted spectacularly at the weekend.

Hey tapir, jaguar, smile! You're on Candid Camera

(AP) -- They are the hidden family portraits of Earth's most remote jungles finally revealed: A touching snapshot of an endangered female mountain gorilla carrying an infant on her back. A giant anteater sticking its enormous ...

Gorillas, unlike humans, gorge protein yet stay slim

( -- A Massey University scientist's study on how wild gorillas in Uganda stay healthy by gorging on protein has highlighted fundamental differences in the way eating habits of various species evolve.

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