Related topics: google

Fox joins broadcasters in blocking Google TV link

(AP) -- News Corp.'s Fox has joined broadcasters ABC, CBS and NBC in blocking access to full episodes of shows when searched from Google TV's Web browser, according to a person at Fox familiar with the matter.

Google responds to newspaper critics

Faced with a steady drumbeat of criticism from a shrinking newspaper industry, Google is out to prove that it is friend not foe.

Media execs make case for online fees at FTC panel

(AP) -- Media companies need to deliver compelling information on a variety of electronic devices and overcome readers' resistance to paying for material online, news executives said Tuesday at a government-sponsored journalism ...

Don't bet newspapers will get rich shunning Google

(AP) -- There's an intriguing idea floating around the media: Microsoft Corp. wants to undercut Google so badly in Internet search that it might pay newspapers to withhold their content from Google. Just don't count on that ...

News Corp, Microsoft hold talks on Google: report

Microsoft has held talks with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp over a possible plan for the software giant to pay the media company to remove its news websites from Google, a report said Monday.

Google says Murdoch stories can be taken off

Google said on Tuesday, in response to threats by Rupert Murdoch to ban the search engine from listing content from his news empire, that any company could ask to have stories taken off.

News Corp's Murdoch warns he may block Google

Global media mogul Rupert Murdoch has accused Google of stealing from his News Corp. empire, and warned he may block the search engine from accessing its content.

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