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Apple names Arthur Levinson non-exec chair

(AP) -- Apple Inc. has named Arthur Levinson as its non-executive chairman, a move that rewards the longtime Apple board member who chose it over Google Inc. when the technology giants began to compete with each other.

Google's virtual assistant invades Siri's turf (Update)

Google is trying to upstage Siri, the sometimes droll assistant that answers questions and helps people manage their lives on Apple's iPhone and iPad. The duel began Monday with the release of a free iPhone and iPad app that ...

US officials to meet over cellphone thefts

Top law enforcement officials from San Francisco and New York plan to meet with some of the largest U.S. smartphone makers next week to help thwart the rise in cellphone thefts and robberies.

Spain opens privacy case against Google

Spain launched sanction proceedings against Google Inc. on Thursday for suspected serious breaches of data protection laws, acting just hours after France threatened the group with big fines.

Google Maps shows North Korean prisons, streets

Google Inc. has helped fill the gap in one of the last remaining information black holes in the world by releasing a detailed map of North Korea that adds street names, monuments—and its notorious prison camps.

Google-Samsung relationship profitable but could change

The world's leading smartphone maker managed to spotlight a youthful tap-dancer, Broadway actors and plenty of lame jokes during an hourlong event to show off its latest high-end gadget - but there was barely a mention of ...

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