New inexpensive and nontoxic method for creating benzene rings

Chemical syntheses in liquids and gases take place in three-dimensional space. Random collisions between molecules have to result in something new in an extremely short time. But there is another way: on a gold surface under ...

Single-cell analysis reveals heterogeneity in metal adsorption

Biosorption is the removal of contaminants from a sample by adsorbing them onto the surface of a biological material. It is expected to provide environmental and economic benefits compared with conventional separation techniques. ...

How to teach gold to tell left from right

Nanometer-sized gold particles consisting of only a few atoms can be used as catalysts for important chemical reactions. Noelia Barrabés from the Institute of Materials Chemistry at TU Wien has been researching new methods ...

Bouquets of nanoflowers with a golden touch

Using nano-sized spheres as a starting point, researcher Juan Wang of the University of Twente (MESA+ Institute) creates fascinating structures that can have a wide range of shapes and functionalities. They can even achieve ...

Water splitting observed on the nanometer scale

It is a well-known school experiment: Applying a voltage between two electrodes inserted in water produces molecular hydrogen and oxygen. Researchers seek to make water splitting as energy-efficient as possible to advance ...

Scientists create the world's thinnest gold

Scientists at the University of Leeds have created a new form of gold which is just two atoms thick—the thinnest unsupported gold ever created.

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