Related topics: cancer · cancer cells · nanoparticles · nanometers · gold

Diagnosing oak wilt with the naked eye

University of Minnesota researchers developed a groundbreaking method for the rapid and accurate detection of oak wilt, a devastating disease threatening oak trees across North America. The disease is widespread in east-central ...

Gold nanoparticles kill cancer—but not as thought

Gold particles of the size of billionths of a meter are lethal to cancer cells. This fact has been known for a long time, as has a simple correlation: The smaller the nanoparticles used to fight the cancer cells, the faster ...

New method visualizes ligands on gold nanoparticles in liquid

The University of Antwerp and CIC biomaGUNE have come up with a promising method for understanding the role of surface molecules in the formation of nanoparticles. The groundbreaking research, published in Nature Chemistry, ...

Improving infectious disease testing with gold nanoparticles

By harnessing the power of composite polymer particles adorned with gold nanoparticles, a group of researchers have delivered a more accurate means of testing for infectious diseases. Details of their research are published ...

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Colloidal gold

Colloidal gold, also known as "nanogold", is a suspension (or colloid) of sub-micrometre-sized particles of gold in a fluid — usually water. The liquid is usually either an intense red colour (for particles less than 100 nm), or a dirty yellowish colour (for larger particles). The nanoparticles themselves can come in a variety of shapes. Spheres, rods, cubes, and caps are some of the more frequently observed ones.

Known since ancient times, the synthesis of colloidal gold was originally used as a method of staining glass. Modern scientific evaluation of colloidal gold did not begin until Michael Faraday's work of the 1850s. Due to the unique optical, electronic, and molecular-recognition properties of gold nanoparticles, they are the subject of substantial research, with applications in a wide variety of areas, including electronics, nanotechnology, and the synthesis of novel[peacock term] materials with unique properties.[peacock term]

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