Related topics: cancer · cancer cells · nanoparticles · nanometers · gold

Attack Ebola on a nanoscale

( —The Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has claimed more than 900 lives since February and has infected thousands more. Countries such as Nigeria and Liberia have declared health emergencies, while the World ...

Self-assembly of gold nanoparticles into small clusters

Researchers at HZB in cooperation with Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin have made an astonishing observation: they were investigating the formation of gold nanoparticles in a solvent and observed that the nanoparticles had ...

Building 'invisible' materials with light

A new method of building materials using light, developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge, could one day enable technologies that are often considered the realm of science fiction, such as invisibility cloaks ...

Scientists discover gold's hidden value

( —Scientists from Cardiff are discovering new and unexpected uses for gold – a noble metal traditionally regarded as being chemically uninteresting due to its poor ability to react with other substances.

Developing an improved liposuction technique that melts fat

Although liposuction is one of the most common and well-established cosmetic surgery procedures in the U.S., it still has its drawbacks. But a new biomedical start-up says it may have found a novel way to improve the procedure ...

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