RHIC's perfect liquid a study in perfection

(Phys.org) —When heavy ions (the nuclei of heavy atoms such as gold and lead) collide at high energies at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Europe's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), ...

CERN collider to become the world's fastest stopwatch?

Heavy ion collisions at CERN should be able to produce the shortest light pulses ever created. This was demonstrated by computer simulations at the Vienna University of Technology. The pulses are so short that they cannot ...

Proton-ion collisions: Behind the scenes of a hybrid interaction

Protons to the right, ions to the left: the basic principle of proton-ion collisions at the LHC might seem straightforward. However, this is an almost unprecedented mode of collider operation, certainly unique at the energy ...

Taking some guesswork out of high-energy physics

(Phys.org) -- SLAC theorist Stan Brodsky and his collaborator Xing-Gang Wu of Chongqing University have just made the lives of high-energy particle theorists the world over a bit easier. They've demonstrated a way to literally ...

Neutrons uncover new density waves in fermion liquids

Scientists working at the Institut Laue-Langevin, one of the world's leading centres for neutron science, have carried out the first investigation of two-dimensional fermion liquids using neutron scattering, and discovered ...

The perfect liquid -- now even more perfect

Ultra hot quark-gluon-plasma, generated by heavy-ion collisions in particle accelerators, is supposed to be the "most perfect fluid" in the world. Previous theories imposed a limit on how "liquid" fluids can be. Recent results ...

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