Related topics: diabetes · type 2 diabetes · insulin · cancer cells · molecules

Key insights into a protein linked to diabetes and hypertension

The amount of salt and water in our cells and their pH is strictly controlled for cell survival. To maintain the necessary balance, special proteins perform the essential role of exchanging protons (hydrogen ions, or H+) ...

Human membrane proteins strike evolutionary balance

Cells are compartmentalized by membranes, and proteins present in these membranes play an important role in transporting cellular information. For proper function of these proteins to occur, a tertiary protein structure must ...

Sugar aversion hampers cockroach coupling

A new study from North Carolina State University shows the behavioral mechanism behind a sweet cockroach mating ritual that takes a bitter turn, resulting in rejected males.

A nontoxic glue for plywood—from glucose, citric acid

The go-to materials for building home furniture, décor and floors are composite wood products that come in large sheets. But the glues and resins holding together particleboard, fiberboard and plywood usually contain formaldehyde ...

Ecotourism giving rare iguanas a sweet tooth

Ecotourists feeding grapes to rock iguanas on remote islands in the Bahamas have given them a sweet tooth and high blood sugar, researchers said Thursday, warning of unknown effects on the health of the vulnerable reptiles.

New function for glucose metabolism enzyme

The function of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase 1 differs depending on its location within the cell, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Molecular Cell.

A 'greener' way to clean wastewater treatment filters

Membrane filters don't require much energy to purify water, making them popular for wastewater treatment. To keep these materials in tip-top condition, they're commonly cleaned with large amounts of strong chemicals, but ...

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