Internet freedom showdown looming, diplomat says

A number of countries are aggressively trying to control the Internet, a top US diplomat cautioned Thursday, insisting Washington would give no ground when it comes to curbing freedoms on the Web.

China overtakes Japan on IT spending

China has overtaken Japan in terms of its share of global IT spending, German IT industry organisation BITKOM said Wednesday, ahead of the CeBIT, the world's biggest high-tech trade fair.

Want zero carbon emissions? Go nuclear, economics professor says

(—Nuclear power often inspires fear and loathing, no more so than among environmentalists, who have long decried the potential dangers and the still-unsolved problem of what to do with nuclear waste. Consumers ...

Tech giants summoned by Australia pricing inquiry

Global technology giants Microsoft, Apple and Adobe were Monday ordered to appear before a pricing inquiry examining the often-higher cost of tech goods in Australia compared with other economies.

Internet age navigation drives economies

Fresh from unveiling detailed online maps of North Korea, Google on Wednesday touted studies showing that Internet Age navigation tools boost the economic engines of nations.

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