Cheaper solar panels fuel rise in renewable energy

A dramatic drop in the price of solar power technology last year helped the continued growth of renewable energy, according to a U.N.-backed report published Wednesday.

NASA prepares for 3-D manufacturing in space

( —In preparation for a future where parts and tools can be printed on demand in space, NASA and Made in Space Inc. of Mountain View, Calif., have joined to launch equipment for the the first 3-D microgravity printing ...

Hydrogen from methane without CO2 emissions

Production of hydrogen from methane without carbon dioxide emissions is the objective of a project in which KIT is a major partner. At KALLA, the Karlsruhe Liquid-metal Laboratory, researchers are setting up a novel liquid-metal ...

Michael Dell's days as CEO may be numbered

Could Michael Dell lose it all? With a bidding war now underway for Dell, efforts by its founder to regain control of the once-mighty computer maker could be backfiring.

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