Earth breaks heat record in 2016 for third year in a row

Last year, the Earth sweltered under the hottest temperatures in modern times for the third year in a row, US scientists said Wednesday, raising new concerns about the quickening pace of climate change.

Pacific sea level predicts global temperature changes

The amount of sea level rise in the Pacific Ocean can be used to estimate future global surface temperatures, according to a new report led by University of Arizona geoscientists.

Expanding Antarctic sea ice linked to natural variability

The recent trend of increasing Antarctic sea ice extent—seemingly at odds with climate model projections—can largely be explained by a natural climate fluctuation, according to a new study led by the National Center for ...

Plants won't boost global warming as much as feared: study

Vegetation will release far less extra carbon dioxide in a warming world than previously assumed, giving humans a bit more room in the fight against climate change, scientists reported Wednesday in Nature.

Winds hide Atlantic variability from Europe's winters

Shifting winds may explain why long-term fluctuations in North Atlantic sea surface temperatures have no apparent influence on Europe's wintertime temperatures. The findings, published in Nature Communications, could also ...

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