UK 'increasingly likely' to see +40C temperatures: study

Temperatures in Britain could exceed 40 degrees Celsius every three or four years by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated, research published Tuesday has found, as climate change increases the likelihood of ...

Plants won't boost global warming as much as feared: study

Vegetation will release far less extra carbon dioxide in a warming world than previously assumed, giving humans a bit more room in the fight against climate change, scientists reported Wednesday in Nature.

Ocean heat is at record levels, with major consequences

The world witnessed record-breaking climate and weather disasters in 2021, from destructive flash floods that swept through mountain towns in Europe and inundated subway systems in China and the U.S., to heat waves and wildfires. ...

Global warming to pick up in 2015, 2016: experts

Man-made global warming is set to produce exceptionally high average temperatures this year and next, boosted by natural weather phenomena such as El Nino, Britain's top climate and weather body said in a report Monday.

Record jump in 2014-2016 global temperatures largest since 1900

Global surface temperatures surged by a record amount from 2014 to 2016, boosting the total amount of warming since the start of the last century by more than 25 percent in just three years, according to new University of ...

Global warming palpable for 96% of humans: study

Whether they realized it or not, some 7.6 billion people—96 percent of humanity—felt global warming's impact on temperatures over the last 12 months, researchers have said.

Seasonal forecasts challenged by Pacific Ocean warming

CSIRO research has found global warming will make it more difficult to predict multi-year global climate variations, a consequence of changes to long-term climate variability patterns in the Pacific Ocean.

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