Small fish can play a big role in the 'biological pump'

(—A study in today's issue of Scientific Reports, a new online journal from the Nature Publishing Group, shows that small forage fish like anchovies can play an important role in the "biological pump," the process ...

Study shows that organic aerosols aging caused by OH radicals

Atmospheric aerosol particles have a significant effect on climate. An international team of researchers has now discovered that a chemical process in the atmosphere called aging determines to a major extent the concentration ...

NASA radar to study volcanoes in Alaska, Japan

(—A NASA aircraft carrying a unique 3-D aerial radar developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., has left California for a 10-day campaign to study active volcanoes in Alaska and Japan.

Loss of species makes nature more sensitive to climate change

High biodiversity acts as an insurance policy for nature and society alike as it increases the likelihood that at least some species will be sufficiently resilient to sustain important functions such as water purification ...

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