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Global sales of 'smart devices' surging: study

Global sales of so-called smart connected devices—computers, smartphones and tablets—rose sharply in the past quarter, driven by smartphones and tablets, a survey showed Wednesday.

Samsung launches new oversized smartphone

Samsung launched Wednesday the newest version of its oversized smartphone Galaxy Note, just a week after Apple's iPhone 5 hit shelves, in an apparent bid to outpace its rival with a wider range of gadgets.

Samsung: Apple trying to limit consumer choice

(AP)—Samsung on Saturday accused Apple of resorting to litigation in an effort to limit consumer choice after the iPhone maker said it was seeking to stop the sale of Galaxy S III smartphones in the United States.

How chips, PCs, services companies are faring

Personal computer makers have been scrambling to adapt to a technological upheaval unleashed by Apple Inc.'s line of sleek devices such as the iPhone and iPad and by a shift toward Internet-based software services instead ...

Chinese solar industry faces weak sales, price war

Chinese solar panel makers that grew fast over the past decade are suffering big losses due to slumping global sales and a price war that threaten an industry seen by communist leaders as a role model for hopes to transform ...

Dell profit slumps on 'challenging' PC market

Dell said Tuesday profits for the second quarter fell as the US tech firm faced a "challenging" PC market and pursued efforts to shift into areas such as software and cloud computing.

Apple extends gains in surging tablet market: survey

Apple extended its dominance in the sizzling tablet computer market in the second quarter of 2012, with the iPad grabbing 68 percent of global sales, a survey showed Thursday.

Samsung 'sells 10 mn Galaxy SIII smartphones'

South Korea's Samsung Electronics, the world's top smartphone maker, has sold more than 10 million units of its newest Galaxy S III model since its launch about two months ago, a report said Sunday.

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