UN climate talks aim to pave way for global carbon market

On a cold afternoon in late November, Jan Gerrit Otterpohl eyes the chimneys of Berlin's Heizkraftwerk Mitte, a state-of-the-art power plant that supplies the city with heat and electricity. It's not the billowing steam he's ...

Political distrust a major barrier to climate action

Distrust in politicians and the political system is preventing people from supporting increased taxes on fossil fuels, a potentially important climate policy. By comparison, most people believe in climate change. So says ...

Oil, gas giants spend 250 mn on EU lobbying: green groups

The five biggest publicly listed oil and gas companies and trade groups representing them spent more than 250 million euros lobbying the European Union to influence climate action since 2010, environmental groups said Thursday.

Grim projections for the ocean—and the life within it

The chain of causation that connects rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to the marine biota has been made clearer by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report "Special Report on ...

Thousands of big energy reps at UN climate talks: monitor

Lobby groups representing some of the world's biggest polluters have sent thousands of delegates to negotiations aimed at limiting global warming since UN climate talks began, according to data obtained by AFP.

Oil industry under pressure to respond to climate change

The oil industry, under mounting pressure from environmental activists to react more quickly to counter climate change, has begun to adapt its strategy but is struggling to convince critics it is doing enough.

Climate talks extended as island nations demand action

Weary officials from almost 200 countries faced another day of negotiations at the U.N. climate talks to bridge their last remaining differences as small island nations on Friday demanded an ambitious stance against global ...

Confronting climate change in the age of denial

People are hard-wired to respond to stories, but climate-denial narratives can be just as compelling as those that convey the facts about global warming. A new collection, "Confronting Climate Change in the Age of Denial," ...

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