Climate scorecard: good news and bad news

The task is clear—stop burning fossil fuels, radically reduce energy demand and slash all planet-warming emissions in order to keep the planet cool enough so humans, animals and plants can survive and thrive.

'Now or never' to avoid climate catastrophe, warns UN

Humanity has less than three years to halt the rise of planet-warming carbon emissions and less than a decade to slash them by nearly half, UN climate experts said Monday, warning the world faced a last-gasp race to ensure ...

Carbon dioxide emissions rebound to nearly pre-pandemic levels

Days before the opening of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow, Scotland, the latest estimates by the Carbon Monitor, an international research initiative ...

CO2 emissions set to surge, IEA warns

Climate-changing CO2 emissions are set to surge by the second-biggest amount in history this year as the global economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the IEA warned Tuesday, days before a major climate summit.

Memory in a metal, enabled by quantum geometry

The emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques is changing the world dramatically with novel applications such as internet of things, autonomous vehicles, real-time imaging processing and big data ...

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