Study explores the health and economic burden of air pollution

Air pollution, a primary environmental risk factor, poses a significant health and financial burden to countries. In China, rapid economic growth has resulted in severely deteriorated air quality and a significant financial ...

Heat wave set to sizzle southern California

A dangerous heat wave was settling over southern California on Monday, as temperature records continued to fall across the United States, from Texas to Tampa Bay.

EPA overrides scientists' calls for tougher pollutant limit

The Trump administration on Monday made final its decision to leave limits for a deadly kind of air pollutant unchanged, overriding scientific findings that tougher standards could save tens of thousands of lives yearly.

River people: Life along Asia's key waterways

From the flood-ravaged banks of the Brahmaputra to the disappearing wetlands of the Mekong, Asia's main waterways—and the people that live along them—are fighting for survival.

The many health impacts of climate change

Medical experts say climate change affects human health in direct ways, by the spread of water- and mosquito-borne diseases for example, and indirectly, such as through hunger.

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