Is UN negotiating an unattainable climate goal?

As UN negotiators roll up their sleeves for the last push towards a universal climate deal, many fear their end-goal of halting global warming at two degrees Celsius is moving out of reach.

New EU climate policy unlikely before 2015: Poland

The European Union is unlikely to hammer out its new policy on global warming ahead of a global climate deal that could be clinched in 2015, Poland's environment minister said Wednesday.

Doha climate talks open amid warnings of calamity

Nearly 200 nations gather in Doha from Monday for a new round of climate talks as a rush of reports warn extreme weather events like superstorm Sandy may become commonplace if mitigation efforts fail.

Will US role at climate talks change after storm?

(AP)—During a year with a monster storm and scorching heat waves, Americans have experienced the kind of freakish weather that many scientists say will occur more often on a warming planet.

EU ready to suspend CO2 air travel tax for a year

The European Union executive on Monday offered to "stop the clock" on its controversial carbon tax on air travel by suspending the measure for a year on flights to and from non-European nations.

Ministers near deal for new environment funds

More than 80 environment ministers gathered in India on Thursday inched towards a global deal to increase the amount of cash set aside to protect the natural environment, delegates told AFP.

China rules out 2015 climate deal deadline

A European drive to forge a legally-binding deal on climate change by 2015 that would include all major carbon polluters is "too much", a senior Chinese negotiator said at UN talks here.

S. Korea's SK Telecom signs deal to buy Hynix

South Korea's top mobile carrier SK Telecom said Monday it signed a deal to buy a controlling stake in Hynix Semiconductor, the world's number two memory chip maker.

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