Corporate deal-making driven by fast technological change

The appetite for mergers and acquisitions remains near a record high as firms try to adapt to fast technological changes and despite a welter of geopolitical concerns, a survey of executives found Monday.

US dollar lures investors at the expense of the euro

A worldwide shift in the appetite for currency since the 2008 global financial crisis appears to have hurt the Eurozone and helped the United States, according to new research from the University of Chicago Booth School of ...

Shedding light on dark markets

Trading of shares and other financial instruments on decentralised or "dark" markets has no effect on the transparency of price information or the way in which those prices are determined, according to new research by the ...

Call for arts to keep up with Asia

A James Cook University researcher says Australia lacks a proper strategy for developing the arts sector, as Asian nations pour money into developing their cultural power.

Florida eco-friendly town opens for business

With a farm-to-table restaurant, driverless shuttles, homes built with the latest green techniques and a massive solar farm to offset energy use, Florida's first sustainable town is now open for business.

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