The science of carbon dioxide and climate

The vast majority of scientists around the world agree that our climate is changing at a faster rate than ever recorded in human history because of our use of fuels such as coal and oil, so-called fossil fuels.

The moral element of climate change

Lawmakers around the world struggle to create policies that balance their nations' needs and interests with their impacts on global warming.

Warming ponds could accelerate climate change

Rising temperatures could accelerate climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide stored in ponds and increasing the methane they release, new research shows.

How many greenhouse gases are released in Africa?

Researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) are involved in the first large collection and analysis of data on greenhouse gases emissions in African crop systems.

China launches carbon dioxide monitoring satellite

China on Thursday launched a satellite to monitor carbon dioxide levels, state media said, making the Asian giant the third country to track the potent contributor to global warming from space.

Storing carbon dioxide underground by turning it into rock

In November, the Paris Climate Agreement goes into effect to reduce global carbon emissions. To achieve the set targets, experts say capturing and storing carbon must be part of the solution. Several projects throughout the ...

Historic climate pact enters into force

A hard-fought pact to stave off worst-case-scenario global warming enters into force Friday after record-fast ratification by nations reassembling next week for a fresh round of UN climate talks.

Tax fossil fuels or risk kids' future: US climate scientist

Levels of the planet's three most dangerous greenhouse gases are rising, and fossil fuels must be taxed to protect children from the turmoil of rising seas and extreme storms, climate scientist James Hansen warned Tuesday.

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