Rewriting the rules of teamwork

As scientists from different disciplines and regions help design a world-class nuclear research facility at Michigan State University, a team of MSU researchers will conduct one of the first major studies of how teams work ...

Digital news offering aims at high ground

It seems like a terrible time to be launching a news operation. But there are opportunities and niches, and the new digital media launch called Quartz from Atlantic Media Company seeks to exploit them.

Survey finds US competitive ranking down again

(AP)—The United States' ability to compete on the global stage has fallen for the fourth year running as confidence in the country's politicians continues to decline, an annual survey from the World Economic Forum found ...

Dell profit slumps on 'challenging' PC market

Dell said Tuesday profits for the second quarter fell as the US tech firm faced a "challenging" PC market and pursued efforts to shift into areas such as software and cloud computing.

In US, 19 mn can't get high-speed Internet: study

Around six percent of the US population, or 19 million people, lack access to high-speed Internet even though deployment has improved in recent years, a government study said Tuesday.

Trade protectionism stifling IT sector: study

Big emerging markets led by China are increasing protectionist measures in the tech sector, hurting one of the most dynamic parts of the global economy, a US industry study said Wednesday.

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