Origin of the boson peak in amorphous solids

Scientists from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo used molecular dynamics simulations to better understand the unusual properties of amorphous solids, such as glass. They found that certain dynamical ...

Duke technique is turning proteins into glass

Duke University researchers have devised a method to dry and preserve proteins in a glassified form that seems to retain the molecules' properties as workhorses of biology.

Challenging Einstein's picture of Brownian motion

Around a decade ago, the discovery of Fickian yet non-Gaussian Diffusion (FnGD) in soft and biological materials broke up the celebrated Einstein's picture of Brownian motion. To date, such an intriguing phenomenon is still ...

Sneaking up on the glassy transition of water

Rapid cooling of ordinary water or compression of ordinary ice: either of these can transform normal H2O into an exotic substance that resembles glass in its transparency, brittleness, hardness, and luster. Unlike everyday ...

Cosmic glasses for space exploration

How are asteroids and planets formed from stony particles? This question is being explored in an experiment by scientists from the universities of Münster and Braunschweig. For the investigation, Fraunhofer researchers have ...

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