Ancient fish's brain adapted for life on the land

Sophisticated CT scanning of the cranium of a Queensland fish fossil has given new insights to explain how fish first left the water to invade land about 370 million years ago.

Cellular mechanisms of early mammary gland development unraveled

Despite long-standing interest, the cellular mechanisms driving the initiation of mammary gland development have remained elusive for decades, mostly due to technical limitations in studying dynamic cell behaviors in live ...

The origin of reproductive organs

Early in human development, during the first trimester of gestation, a fetus may have XX or XY chromosomes that indicate its sex. Yet at this stage a mass of cells known as the bipotential gonad that ultimately develops into ...

A mouse's bite holds venomous potential, finds new study

We are not venomous, and neither are mice—but within our genomes lurks that potential, suggest scientists from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and the Australian National University. ...

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