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Underwater unmanned vehicle missing under Doomsday Glacier

The unmanned underwater vehicle Ran has gone missing under a glacier in Antarctica. The vehicle, owned by the University of Gothenburg, is one of just three in the world that is used for research and has contributed to important ...

Glaciers rise, fall and melt with tides

Glaciers that extend off the edges of landmasses move much more than scientists anticipated, R. Gadi and colleagues have found. The boundary between the grounded part of a glacier and the point at which the glacier extends ...

The hidden impacts of climate change on a freshwater ecosystem

From melting glaciers to rising sea levels, from raging wildfires to devastating floods, society has grown increasingly aware of the increasingly frequent climate crises. But what about its subterranean flow? A research group ...

Dredging up New York City's glacial memory

On a cold night in November, a small group gathered at the boathouse of the Brooklyn-based Gowanus Dredgers to listen to Elizabeth Case, a glaciologist and Ph.D. student at Columbia Climate School's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, ...

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