New predictions for sea level rise

Fossil coral data and temperature records derived from ice-core measurements have been used to place better constraints on future sea level rise, and to test sea level projections.

Weighing the Antarctic ice sheet

One of the last big unknowns in the global climate equation is Antarctica. How stable is the Antarctic ice sheet? More than a mile thick, on average, it locks up 70 percent of the Earth's fresh water.

Mammoths killed by abrupt climate change

New research has revealed abrupt warming, that closely resembles the rapid man-made warming occurring today, has repeatedly played a key role in mass extinction events of large animals, the megafauna, in Earth's past.

Seawater seep may be speeding glacier melt, sea level rise

The melting of ice sheets at the points where they float on and along the world's oceans is a major climate culprit when it comes to sea level rise. But less is understood about the extent of melting that is due to warm, ...

Saying goodbye to glaciers

Glaciers around the world are disappearing before our eyes, and the implications for people are wide-ranging and troubling, Twila Moon, a glacier expert at the University of Colorado Boulder, concludes in a Perspectives piece ...

Antarctica glacier retreat creates new carbon dioxide store

Large blooms of tiny marine plants called phytoplankton are flourishing in areas of open water left exposed by the recent and rapid melting of ice shelves and glaciers around the Antarctic Peninsula. This remarkable colonisation ...

New model changes view of climate change

( -- Using new, high-resolution global ocean circulation models, University of Massachusetts Amherst geoscientist Alan Condron, with Peter Winsor at the University of Alaska, report this week that massive glacial ...

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