Stockholm techies use water to charge mobile phones

( -- A Swedish company headquartered in Stockholm has figured out how to power smartphones using a system that includes some water, a tray, a little round container, and an eyeglass case styled cover. The company, ...

Japan's Honda unveils futuristic unicyle (w/ Video)

It looks a bit like a plastic figure of eight, and its Japanese designers say it could revolutionise the way we get around, in total comfort and without breaking a sweat.

A glimpse at Intel's futuristic gadgets

Wouldn't it be useful to have a gadget that immediately warned you when the information you just saw on the Internet or heard from a buddy might be baloney?

'Smart' potty or dumb idea? Wacky gadgets at CES

From the iPotty for toddlers to the 1,600-pound (725-kilogram) mechanical spider and the host of glitch-ridden "smart" TVs, the International CES show is a forum for gadget makers to take big—and bizarre—chances.

Robot cat Doraemon's gadgets come to life in Japan show

For four decades Doraemon, a blue robot cat from the 22nd century, has been an icon of Japan's manga comic world -- but now some of its coolest sci-fi gadgets exist in the real world.

Future tech on show at 36th SIGGRAPH

(AP) -- If you pull on my ear, will I follow you anywhere? Yes, say researchers at University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo.

PayPal fattens digital wallet

PayPal on Tuesday pulled out a revamped digital wallet service amid rumors it is poised to introduce a plug-in gizmo that will let small businesses accept credit card payments using smartphones.

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