Can charitable giving improve your health?

Research by University at Albany economics professor Baris Yörük may provide additional motivation for those resolving to become more charitable in 2016.

Study uncovers strategies for increasing charitable giving

With the holiday season at a fever pitch and charitable giving on people's minds, new research from the University of Delaware suggests that for organizations interested in increasing the number of givers and the amount of ...

Zuckerberg's huge pledge reflects a new era in philanthropy

The huge philanthropic pledge by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife—totaling perhaps $45 billion—reflects the fast-paced emergence of a new Gilded Age of giving. The changes excite many in the charity world, but ...

Self-made billionaires more likely to give than inheritors

A study by economists at the University of Southampton suggests that billionaires who have built their own fortunes are more likely to pledge to donate a large portion of their wealth to charities, than those who are heirs ...

Foaling mares are totally relaxed – no stress

Foaling in horses is extremely fast. Labour and the active part of foaling, resulting in delivery of the foal, take 10 to 20 minutes and are considerably shorter than giving birth in humans or in cows. Is this brief period ...

Giant panda gives birth in Madrid zoo

A giant panda which is already a mother of twins gave birth again Friday in a Madrid zoo, welcoming the tiny new arrival with licks, zoo officials said.

Why children should be taught philanthropy

"Philanthropy" is usually a word we associate with the world of adults and rich people. Increasingly though, children from a spread of socio-economic backgrounds are participating in and learning about what it means to be ...

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