Fostering motivation could keep marginalized girls in school

Education—and girls' education in particular—is often cited as one of the key pathways out of poverty, but in many parts of the world women and girls still face significant barriers that prevent them from attending school. ...

Are high-achieving black students invisible?

Since 1966, when a now-famous and often replicated study known as "The Coleman Report" was published, the phrase "achievement gap" has referred to one thing: the differences in academic success between the average black student ...

A preference for casual sex increases risk of harassment

Adolescents who sexually harass others have had casual sex more often than those who do not harass others. They also fantasize more about casual sex and find it more acceptable to have sex without any commitment or emotional ...

Zero tolerance policies unfairly punish black girls

Black girls are disproportionately punished in American schools - an "overlooked crisis" that is populating the school-to-prison pipeline at rising rates, two education scholars argue in a new paper.

Charter schools enroll more girls, with boys more likely to leave

Charter schools - particularly middle and high schools - enroll a larger share of girls than do traditional public schools, in part because boys are more likely to exit charter schools, finds a new study by New York University ...

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