NASA to fly six scientific balloons from New Mexico

NASA's Scientific Balloon Program is moving full-steam ahead into the fall 2022 campaign with six scientific, engineering, and student balloon flights supporting 17 missions. The flights are scheduled to launch from Fort ...

Even stars doomed to die as supernovae can have planets

Ninety percent of all exoplanets discovered to date (there are now more than 5,000 of them) orbit around stars the same size or smaller than our sun. Giant stars seem to lack planetary companions, and this fact has serious ...

Simulation shows how star collisions fuel massive black holes

It's difficult to predict with certainty what will happen when giant stars collide, but new, first-of-their-kind hydrodynamic simulations by the DEMOBLACK team at the University of Padova in Italy point to a range of exotic ...

Giant stars and the ultimate fate of the sun

Astronomers have a new tool to help them understand giant stars. It's a detailed study of the precise temperatures and sizes of 191 giant stars. The authors of the work say that it'll serve as a standard reference on giant ...

Image: Hubble spots dark star-hatching frEGGs

This image shows knots of cold, dense interstellar gas where new stars are forming. These Free-floating Evaporating Gaseous Globules (frEGGs) were first seen in Hubble's famous 1995 image of the Eagle Nebula. Because these ...

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