Related topics: stars · planets · solar system · jupiter

Winds of rubies and sapphires strike the sky of giant planet

Signs of powerful changing winds have been detected on a planet 16 times larger than Earth, over 1000 light years away - the first time ever that weather systems have been found on a gas giant outside our solar system - according ...

Mystery solved behind birth of Saturn's rings

A team of researchers have presented a new model for the origin of Saturn's rings based on results of computer simulations. The results of the simulations are also applicable to rings of other giant planets and explain the ...

New low-mass objects could help refine planetary evolution

When a star is young, it is often still surrounded by a primordial rotating disk of gas and dust, from which planets can form. Astronomers like to find such disks because they might be able to catch the star partway through ...

Origin of minor planets' rings revealed

A team of researchers has clarified the origin of the rings recently discovered around two minor planets known as centaurs, and their results suggest the existence of rings around other centaurs. These findings were published ...

Astronomers discover two new inflated 'hot Jupiters'

(—An international team of astronomers led by Joel Hartman of Princeton University has detected two new "hot Jupiter" exoplanets, less massive than our solar system's biggest planet, but with a radius larger than ...

Brown dwarfs hiding in plain sight in our solar neighborhood

Cool brown dwarfs are a hot topic in astronomy right now. Smaller than stars and bigger than giant planets, they hold promise for helping us understand both stellar evolution and planet formation. New work from a team including ...

Jupiter's north pole unlike anything encountered in solar system

NASA's Juno spacecraft has sent back the first-ever images of Jupiter's north pole, taken during the spacecraft's first flyby of the planet with its instruments switched on. The images show storm systems and weather activity ...

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