NASA and NOAA's Environmental Satellite Now GOES-15

( -- Twelve days after a flawless launch, NASA and NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-P (GOES-P) reached its proper orbit and was renamed GOES-15. The latest weather satellite will complete ...

Europe's all-new weather satellite arrives at launch site

After a two-week voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, the ship transporting the first Meteosat Third Generation satellite docked at Pariacabo in French Guiana and the precious cargo unloaded. Now safe and sound in one of the ...

Satellite video shows Tropical Storm Beatriz fizzle in 6 hours

Satellite data from NASA and NOAA showed that Tropical Storm Beatriz went from a strong tropical storm to a remnant low pressure area in six short hours after running into Mexico's western mountains. An animation of imagery ...

New weather satellite reveals spectacular images of Earth

Europe's latest weather satellite, the Meteosat Third Generation Imager, has just delivered its first view of Earth—revealing conditions over Europe, Africa and the Atlantic in remarkable detail.

NASA, NOAA Ready GOES-P Satellite for March 2 Launch

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-P, or GOES-P, is scheduled for launch aboard a Delta IV rocket on Tuesday, March 2, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The one-hour launch window extends ...

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