MTG-I weather satellite passes tests in preparation for liftoff

With extreme weather events threatening to be more frequent and more severe as the climate crisis takes grip, it's never been more important to have fast and accurate forecasts. ESA and Eumetsat are working hard to ensure ...

Suomi NPP satellite captures 63 mile smoke trail from bush fire

NOAA/NASA's Suomi NPP satellite captured this image of the Bush Fire on June 22, 2020 showing clouds of smoke pouring off the Bush Fire that is plaguing Arizona. Overnight (to the 23rd) the fire grew to 186,848 acres, growing ...

Combining satellites, radar provides path for better forecasts

Every minute counts when it comes to predicting severe weather. Combing data from cutting-edge geostationary satellites and traditional weather radar created a path toward earlier, more accurate warnings, according to Penn ...

Southern California's Getty fire continues to burn

NASA's Terra satellite using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument aboard captured this image of the Getty fire shortly after it began in the early morning hours of Oct. 28, 2019. Dubbed the ...

GeoCarb—a new view of carbon over the Americas

A new NASA Earth science mission in the early stages of design may achieve a transformational advance in our understanding of the global carbon cycle by mapping concentrations of key carbon gases from a new vantage point: ...

GOES-S and GOES-T satellites coming together

Progress continues on the development of NOAA's GOES-S and GOES-T spacecraft that will follow the successful launch of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite or GOES-R, renamed GOES-16 upon reaching geostationary ...

GOES-R heads to orbit, will improve weather forecasting

GOES-R, the first of NOAA's highly advanced geostationary weather satellites, lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 6:42 p.m. EST today. The satellite will boost the nation's weather observation network and NOAA's prediction ...

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