Arctic Weather Satellite shipped to Germany for series of tests

Embracing the New Space approach, it has taken just 36 months to develop and build ESA's Arctic Weather Satellite. Now complete, this remarkable microsatellite has been shipped from OHB in Sweden to Germany where it is starting ...

ESA moves ahead with In-Orbit Servicing missions

Isn't it strange that when satellites run out of fuel or a single component breaks down, we just discard them? ESA and European industry have joined forces to make sure that our satellites can live on.

MTG-I weather satellite passes tests in preparation for liftoff

With extreme weather events threatening to be more frequent and more severe as the climate crisis takes grip, it's never been more important to have fast and accurate forecasts. ESA and Eumetsat are working hard to ensure ...

NOAA's GOES-T reaches geostationary orbit, now designated GOES-18

On March 14, 2022, GOES-T executed its final engine burn, placing the satellite in geostationary orbit 22,236 miles above Earth. Upon reaching this milestone, GOES-T was renamed GOES-18. GOES satellites are designated with ...

Satcom to foster resilient digital systems

Telecommunications are becoming increasingly crucial to our society, economy and security. ESA is supporting the European satellite communication industry's efforts to identify how to meet future worldwide demands for more ...

Suomi NPP satellite captures 63 mile smoke trail from bush fire

NOAA/NASA's Suomi NPP satellite captured this image of the Bush Fire on June 22, 2020 showing clouds of smoke pouring off the Bush Fire that is plaguing Arizona. Overnight (to the 23rd) the fire grew to 186,848 acres, growing ...

Southern California's Getty fire continues to burn

NASA's Terra satellite using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument aboard captured this image of the Getty fire shortly after it began in the early morning hours of Oct. 28, 2019. Dubbed the ...

Image: California's devastating Kincaid fire continues to spread

California's devastating Kincaid Fire located in Sonoma County has grown to over 66,000 acres and NASA's Terra satellite captured this dramatic image of the smoke plume cascading down the coast. The fire is located northeast ...

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