NASA satellite movie shows movement of tornadic weather system

A satellite animation of NOAA's GOES-13 satellite imagery showed the movement of the front that triggered severe storms and tornadoes in several states on February 29, 2012. Today, NASA released a GOES satellite animation ...

Clouds disappear quickly during a solar eclipse, shows study

Cumulus clouds over land start to disappear almost instantly during a partial solar eclipse. Until recently, satellite measurements during the eclipse resulted in dark spots in the cloud map, but researchers from TU Delft ...

NASA to launch latest high-tech weather satellite

The United States is poised to launch Thursday the latest in its family of high-tech meteorological satellites that watch storm development and weather conditions on Earth from high in space.

NASA's high-resolution air quality control instrument launches

A NASA instrument to provide unprecedented resolution of monitoring major air pollutants—down to four square miles—lifted off on its way to geostationary orbit at 12:30 a.m. EDT Friday. The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring ...

NASA, NOAA ready GOES-P satellite for launch

NASA is preparing to launch the NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-P (GOES-P) from Space Launch Complex 37 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. The launch is targeted for March 2, during a launch ...

ESA moves ahead with In-Orbit Servicing missions

Isn't it strange that when satellites run out of fuel or a single component breaks down, we just discard them? ESA and European industry have joined forces to make sure that our satellites can live on.

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