Image: California's devastating Kincaid fire continues to spread

California's devastating Kincaid Fire located in Sonoma County has grown to over 66,000 acres and NASA's Terra satellite captured this dramatic image of the smoke plume cascading down the coast. The fire is located northeast ...

SpaceX launches first 60 satellites of its internet network

SpaceX has launched a rocket carrying the first 60 satellites of its "Starlink" constellation, which is intended to provide internet from space in an array that could one day contain over 12,000 orbiting transponders.

Satellite gearing up to take EPIC pictures of Earth

The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite is on its way to do something epic. NOAA's spacecraft, sent to monitor space weather, will use its Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) to capture the entire sunlit ...

Another severe weather system seen on satellite movie from NASA

Another powerful weather system is moving through the central and eastern U.S., generating more severe weather. NASA created an animation of data from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite that shows the frontal system pushing east as ...

Video: Fireball witnessed by weather satellite

While a meteor lit up the skies over Spain and Portugal recently, it was also captured by the Meteosat Third Generation Imager weather satellite hovering 36,000 km away in geostationary orbit.

Satellites document effects of heat waves on plants

A new scientific study shows how periods of drought affect photosynthesis throughout the course of the day. The study found that plants in regions that are typically dry increase their CO2 intake during the morning hours ...

NASA's high-tech GOES-P weather satellite lifts off

NASA on Thursday launched the latest in its family of high-tech meteorological satellites, adding to a constellation of spacecraft that watch storm development and weather conditions on Earth.

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