Combining satellites, radar provides path for better forecasts

Every minute counts when it comes to predicting severe weather. Combing data from cutting-edge geostationary satellites and traditional weather radar created a path toward earlier, more accurate warnings, according to Penn ...

Southern California's Getty fire continues to burn

NASA's Terra satellite using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument aboard captured this image of the Getty fire shortly after it began in the early morning hours of Oct. 28, 2019. Dubbed the ...

Image: California's devastating Kincaid fire continues to spread

California's devastating Kincaid Fire located in Sonoma County has grown to over 66,000 acres and NASA's Terra satellite captured this dramatic image of the smoke plume cascading down the coast. The fire is located northeast ...

SpaceX launches first 60 satellites of its internet network

SpaceX has launched a rocket carrying the first 60 satellites of its "Starlink" constellation, which is intended to provide internet from space in an array that could one day contain over 12,000 orbiting transponders.

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