Related topics: earthquake · magnitude · quake · volcano

Earthquakes and tectonics in Pamir Tien Shan

Real time analysis of shear waves as a means of earth quake hazard mitigation. First time observed continental subduction in a continent-continent collision.

Slow earthquakes may foretell larger events

Monitoring slow earthquakes may provide a basis for reliable prediction in areas where slow quakes trigger normal earthquakes, according to Penn State geoscientists.

Crowdsourcing weather using smartphone batteries

Smartphones are a great way to check in on the latest weather predictions, but new research aims to use the batteries in those same smartphones to predict the weather.

Ozone hole might slightly warm planet

A lot of people mix up the ozone hole and global warming, believing the hole is a major cause of the world's increasing average temperature. Scientists, on the other hand, have long attributed a small cooling effect to the ...

Distorted GPS signals reveal hurricane wind speeds

By pinpointing locations on Earth from space, GPS systems have long shown drivers the shortest route home and guided airline pilots across oceans. Now, by figuring out how messed up GPS satellite signals get when bouncing ...

Moon radiation findings may reduce health risks to astronauts

Space scientists from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) report that data gathered by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) show lighter materials like plastics provide effective ...

Bridge species drive tropical engine of biodiversity

Although scientists have known since the middle of the 19th century that the tropics are teeming with species while the poles harbor relatively few, the origin of the most dramatic and pervasive biodiversity on Earth has ...

Small dams on Chinese river harm environment more than expected

( —A fresh look at the environmental impacts of dams on an ecologically diverse and partially protected river in China found that small dams can pose a greater threat to ecosystems and natural landscapes than large ...

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