Revealing biochemical 'rings of power'

Benzobactins are bacterial natural products that have special biological activity due to a compound consisting of two ring structures. The bacterial genes responsible for the formation of the compound were previously unclear. ...

Seven draft genomes published for Nordic hare species

Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland, in collaboration with colleagues from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Sveriges lantbruks universitet), have published seven draft genomes for Nordic ...

Q&A with a chromosome cartographer

La Jolla Institute for Immunology Associate Professor Ferhat Ay, Ph.D., is building some of the world's smallest maps. Dr. Ay harnesses computers to transform DNA genomic sequences into 3D maps. These maps can reveal how ...

A new way to make new species

The evolution of a new species by hybridization from two already described species without a change in chromosome number is very rare in the animal kingdom. So far, only a few accepted empirical examples exist for this spontaneous ...

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