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Scientists revive Stone Age molecules

Breakthroughs in ancient genome reconstruction and biotechnology are now revealing the rich molecular secrets of Paleolithic microorganisms. In a new study published in Science, a transdisciplinary team of researchers led ...

Psychoactive psilocybin's evolution in magic mushrooms

Psilocybe fungi, known colloquially as "magic mushrooms," have held deep significance in Indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica for centuries. They captured the wider world's attention as a psychedelic staple in the 60s and 70s. ...

Artificial intelligence folds RNA molecules

For the function of many biomolecules, their three-dimensional structure is crucial. Researchers are therefore not only interested in the sequence of the individual building blocks of biomolecules, but also in their spatial ...

Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems

Microbial sequence databases contain a wealth of information about enzymes and other molecules that could be adapted for biotechnology. But these databases have grown so large in recent years that they've become difficult ...

There's more to genes than DNA: How Mum and Dad add something extra

Biologists at the Universities of Bath and Vienna have discovered 71 new 'imprinted' genes in the mouse genome, a finding that takes them a step closer to unraveling some of the mysteries of epigenetics—an area of science ...

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