New test identifies lobster hybrids

Scientists have developed a test that can identify hybrids resulting from crossbreeding between European and American lobsters.

Genes and athletic performance in Thoroughbred horses

Equinome, a leading equine genomics company, has announced the publication of four scientific papers by Equinome and University College Dublin researchers which describe significant advances in the understanding of the genes ...

Scientists find genes to beat MRSA defence system

Efforts to develop better and stronger treatments against diseases continue in Europe, with particular emphasis being placed on fighting human pathogens and strains resistant to existing treatments. Scientists in the United ...

When growth becomes a weakness for cancer cells

ETH researchers are shedding light on what can happen when cells exceed their normal size and become senescent. The new findings could help to optimize cancer therapies.

Fast new, one-step genetic engineering technology

A new, streamlined approach to genetic engineering drastically reduces the time and effort needed to insert new genes into bacteria, the workhorses of biotechnology, scientists are reporting. Published in the journal ACS ...

Well-traveled wasps provide hope for vanishing species

They may only be 1.5mm in size, but the tiny wasps that pollinate fig trees can travel over 160km in less than 48 hours, according to research from scientists at the University of Leeds. The fig wasps are transporting pollen ...

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