Scientists identify key enzyme in microbial immune system

Imagine a war in which you are vastly outnumbered by an enemy that is utterly relentless - attacking you is all it does. The intro to another Terminator movie? No, just another day for microbes such as bacteria and archaea, ...

Choir sing their own genetic code

( -- A choir in London, England, has performed a new choral composition in which the choir members sang parts of their own genetic code.

An sRNA controls a bacterium's social life

For the first time, biologists have directly shown how spontaneous mutation of a small RNA (sRNA) regulatory molecule can provide an evolutionary advantage. Reporting in this week's Science, Indiana University Bloomington ...

Physics of gene transcription unveiled

( -- A research team has made precise measurements of where and how RNA polymerase encounters obstacles while it reads nucleosomal DNA.

Nanofluidics Identify Epigenetic Changes One Molecule at a Time

( -- Using a system of nanofluidic channels and multicolor fluorescence microscopy, a team of investigators at Cornell University has developed a method that analyzes the binding of DNA and DNA-binding proteins ...

Spying on a cellular director in the cutting room

Like a film director cutting out extraneous footage to create a blockbuster, the cellular machine called the spliceosome snips out unwanted stretches of genetic material and joins the remaining pieces to fashion a template ...

Rapid, Inexpensive DNA Sequencing Moves Closer to Reality

As efforts such as The Cancer Genome Atlas and others generate vast quantities of information about the genetic makeup of different types of cancer, it is becoming increasingly clear that such information has great potential ...

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