Scientists identify molecular basis for DNA breakage

Scientists from the Hebrew University have identified the molecular basis for DNA breakage, a hallmark of cancer cells. The findings of this research have just been published in the journal Molecular Cell.

Universal detector made of DNA building blocks

( -- A method for detecting such diverse substances as antibiotics, narcotics and explosives - a universal detector, so to speak - has been developed by German researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer ...

Research reveals real-time working of the spliceosome

Making a movie at the molecular level? A new method of imaging molecule-sized machines as they do the complex work of cutting and pasting genetic information inside the nucleus is the subject of a just-published paper in ...

Scientists home in on chemicals needed to reprogram cells

Scripps Research Institute scientists have made a significant leap forward in the drive to find a way to safely reprogram mature human cells and turn them into stem cells, which can then change into other cell types, such ...

New method for generating human stem cells is remarkably efficient

The ability to efficiently generate patient-specific stem cells from differentiated cells and then reliably direct them to form specialized cells (like neurons or muscle) has tremendous therapeutic potential for replacing ...

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