Accelerating cellular assembly lines

The immune system generates antibodies to mark threats that need to be eliminated, and these protein complexes bind their targets with remarkable strength and selectivity. Scientists have learned how to generate cell lines ...

Trying to halt hepatitis C's molecular hijacking

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have figured out intimate details of how the hepatitis C virus takes over an invaded cell, a breakthrough that could point to way for new treatments for the virus.

New calculations solve an old problem with DNA

The normal (B-form) DNA will switch to left-handed DNA when it is physically twisted, or when a lot of salt is added to the solution. Researchers at the University of Luxembourg were able to accurately calculate for the ...

Raising the blockade

At crucial points in the metabolism of all organisms, a protein with the unwieldy name of Translation Elongation Factor P (EF-P, for short) takes center stage. What it actually does during protein synthesis has only now been ...

Researchers develop mRNA based flu vaccine

(—A joint research effort by the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute and pharmaceutical company CureVac, both based in Germany, has resulted in the creation of a new type of flu vaccine. The vaccine, as the team describes ...

Researchers discover how tiny sugars regulate stem cells

(—Embryonic stem cells hold great promise as a potential cell-based therapy for a myriad of serious diseases, but there is still much to learn before they become a regular part of the doctor's toolkit. Scientists ...

Laser spotlight reveals machine 'climbing' DNA

(—New imaging technology has revealed how the molecular machines that remodel genetic material inside cells 'grab onto' DNA like a rock climber looking for a handhold.

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