Scientists map genomic atlas of your inner fish gut

Scientists have discovered a network of genes and genetic regulatory elements in the lining of the intestines that has stayed remarkably the same from fishes to humans. Many of these genes are linked to human illnesses, such ...

Mice cooperate if they benefit

Four people meet for dinner in a restaurant and split the check four ways. Anyone who ordered more or something more expensive than the others gains an advantage from the situation. Social dilemmas like this one also occur ...

Researchers develop model to study neglected tropical diseases

Neglected tropical diseases affect more than 1 billion people–one-sixth of the world's population. Despite their devastating health consequences, these diseases, which occur in some of the world's poorest and most isolated ...

Revealing the evolutionary origin of genomic imprinting 

Some of our genes can be expressed or silenced depending on whether we inherited them from our mother or our father. The mechanism behind this phenomenon, known as genomic imprinting, is determined by DNA modifications during ...

When two worlds meet: A protease that controls small RNA activity

The protection of genome integrity of germ cells is essential for animal fertility. Researchers from the Grosshans group characterized a defense mechanism against selfish genetic elements in the C. elegans germline. They ...

Enhancing understanding of genetic regulation

Our understanding of genetic regulation would be improved by better knowledge of regulatory elements known as enhancers, which are not located alongside the genes they control. In a recent paper published in Briefings in ...

Eliminating damaged germline cells preserves germline integrity

The germline is the cell lineage of an organism that passes on its genetic material to its progeny. Genetic damage to the germline can cause developmental defects and even death of that same progeny. It is thought that biological ...

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