A ban on captive animals could speed up extinction

The recent death of the last male Northern white rhinoceros —and the imminent extinction of the vaquita porpoise —is a stark reminder we are not going to win every battle to save endangered species in the wild. We ...

Most dog breeds highly inbred

Dog breeds are often recognized for distinctive traits—the short legs of a dachshund, wrinkled face of a pug, spotted coat of a Dalmatian. Unfortunately, the genetics that give various breeds their particular attributes ...

How rainforest fish adapt to local conditions

The future of freshwater fish species in Australia's tropical rainforest areas, including the Daintree and Mosman Gorge, will increasingly be subject to the vagaries of climatic and other changes.

Ancient horse DNA revealed human breeding preferences

White coat with black spots: almost every child knows "Lilla Gubben" the horse of Pippi Longstocking. But what about the popularity of spotted and speckled horses (so called leopard complex spotting) during the last millennia? ...

Using genomics to save endangered species

Currently, many threatened and endangered species are present in captivity. Their management is mostly focused on keeping the population viable (both demographically and genetically) and as similar to the wild ancestor populations ...

Southern African genomes sequenced

Human genomes from Southern African Bushmen and Bantu individuals have been sequenced by a team of scientists seeking a greater understanding of human genetic variation and its effect on human health.

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