Spread of DNA databases sparks ethical concerns

You can ditch your computer and leave your cellphone at home, but you can't escape your DNA. It belongs uniquely to you—and, increasingly, to the authorities.

Study solves mystery of horse domestication

New research indicates that domestic horses originated in the steppes of modern-day Ukraine, southwest Russia and west Kazakhstan, mixing with local wild stocks as they spread throughout Europe and Asia. The research was ...

Study shows how glaciers affected deer evolution

(PhysOrg.com) -- A 10-year study of mule and black-tailed deer has found unique subspecies created by the animals' responses to climate change thousands of years ago.

A genetic database to identify missing persons in El Salvador

El Salvador, like other Central American countries, has suffered repression and human rights violations ever since colonial times. Indeed, social injustice in the country persisted and was a major trigger of the 1980-1992 ...

Zoos rethink role as matchmaker for endangered species

Like an online dating site for endangered species, many zoos use computerized matchmaking to mate animals in captivity in hopes of saving some of the world's most vulnerable creatures.

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