Salt cress genome yields new clues to salt tolerance

An international team, led by Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Science, and BGI, the world's largest genomics organization, has completed the genomic sequence and analysis of salt cress ...

Biological fitness trumps other traits in mating game

When a new species emerges following adaptive changes to its local environment, the process of choosing a mate can help protect the new species' genetic identity and increase the likelihood of its survival. But of the many ...

Northern forests do not benefit from lengthening growing season

Forests in northern areas are stunted, verging on the edge of survival. It has been anticipated that climate change improves their growth conditions. A study published last week in Forest Ecology and Management journal shows ...

Introgression in the pig genome leads to their altitude adaptation

Scientists from Jiangxi Agricultural University, BGI and University of California published their latest research on genetic mechanism of pig altitude-adaptations in Nature Genetics online. Their research underlined the importance ...

Getting a step ahead of tuberculosis' drug resistance evolution

In the face of natural selection, genetic mutations set some individuals up for success. A single change to the sequence of a gene can give an organism an advantage—and if that mutation is passed to future generations, ...

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