Report: Greenhouse gas emissions from government-owned companies

State-owned enterprises (SOEs)—companies for which 50 percent or more of voting shares are held by a government—play a major role in many of the world's largest economies, particularly in electricity generation, oil and ...

CRISPR-Cas9 can generate unexpected, heritable mutations

CRISPR-Cas9, the "genetic scissors," creates new potential for curing diseases, but treatments must be reliable. In a new study, researchers have discovered that the method can give rise to unforeseen changes in DNA that ...

Housework or sleep? Study says it depends when you were born

When Gen Xer Amy Rottier went shopping for her young children two decades ago, she drove to a mall and browsed for what she needed. Her millennial daughter, Helen, who is studying for a doctorate and doesn't have children, ...

The sexual harassment of Generation Z

Workplace policy and training in addressing matters concerning sexual harassment need to ensure that the youngest members of the workforce are also protected from this kind of abuse, something that has not necessarily been ...

Mini electricity generator made from quantum dots

Machines and electronic devices often generate waste heat that is difficult to utilize. If electricity could be generated from this waste heat, it would offer a means for a clean and sustainable power production: Such a technology ...

New DNA-peptide molecules developed

When scientists discovered DNA and learned how to control it, not only science but society was revolutionized. Today, researchers and the medical industry routinely create artificial DNA structures for many purposes, including ...

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