Weapon-wielding marine microbes may protect populations from foes

Competition is a strong driving force of evolution for organisms of all sizes: Those individuals best equipped to obtain resources adapt and reproduce, while others may fall by the wayside. Many organisms—mammals, birds ...

Precaution and governance of emerging technologies

Precautionary approaches to governance of emerging technology, which call for constraints on the use of technology whose potential harms and other outcomes are highly uncertain, are often criticized for reflecting "risk panics," ...

Gene drive reversibility introduces new layer of biosafety

In parallel with their development of the first synthetic gene drives - which greatly increase the chance a specific gene will be passed on to all offspring - George Church, Ph.D., and Kevin Esvelt, Ph.D., helped pioneer ...

Survival of the fit-ish

It can be hard to dispute the common adage 'survival of the fittest.' After all, "most of the genes in the genome are there because they're doing something good," says Sarah Zanders, Ph.D., assistant investigator at the Stowers ...

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